Ways of Motivating a Project Team

Team work is the key to a successful organization. The notion of united we stand and divided we fall applies very well in this area too. You will notice that today there are many companies employing hundreds of thousands of people all working together to build and keep the brand of companies. Having a team may be one issue and building cohesion within the team is another complex process. It is not always easy to achieve unity but can be diligently sought through various levels of motivation.

Motivation is stimulation or triggering of behavior and directing to achieve certain end goals. Many sociologists and psychologists have studied motivation and developed certain theories to explain the concept of motivation. F. Herzberg was famous for his two factor theory while Abraham Maslow developed the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Others like Leon Festinger - developed cognitive dissonance theory.

You will note that different people are stimulated differently and will need a different trigger for action. A good project manager must know his team well and personally; thus be in position to assess the needs and interests of his team and guide it appropriately.
  • Naturally, project managers are productivity and performance oriented and will always pay more attention to results than the team which might undermine the quality of work of the team because of low motivation. The manager should therefore be in position to communicate well with his team. There should be both vertical communication – through which employs voice their concerns, ideas, etc and downward communication – through which the manager provides constructive feedback. This kind of openness in handling issues assures the employees that the manager minds and cares for them and is in position to handle all their concerns. In this way, employees are also able to contribute towards decision making in matters affecting the team and the organization as a whole.
  • A project manager should be able to provide clear job description to his team. Some people are motivated by the challenge involved in performing a certain task. Therefore by providing categorical guidelines and job requirements an employee will find motivation in performing the tasks themselves. However, not all employees may be motivated in this fashion but it is highly likely that a good number will and hence the team as a unit.
  • The needs of an employee must be well understood and well satisfied by the project manager. Abraham Maslow discovered that the needs of an employee are in a hierarchy. From bottom he noted physiological needs, safety needs, Belongingness needs, Esteem needs, Self actualization needs. In this theory Maslow stated that human beings have desires and wants that influence their behavior and at any given level certain needs or desires may be more motivating than others if satisfied. It is therefore paramount for a project manager to understand his team well in order to motivate it as appropriate. For instance, if you perceive the needs of your team as being esteem needs, then it may be necessary to praise, give morale to boost their confidence and show them that they are actually doing a good job and that their efforts are valuable. You may also reward your team through recognition trophies, awards of excellence, and so on. Eventually, cohesion is achieved within the team.
  • In addition, a project manager should be able to set work related goals for the team. Normally a project manager must have a vision for the team and should be in position to set all work related goals. This is a basic leadership trait that a project manager must exhibit. A brilliant and visionary project manager will normally be found motivating because the team is sure of its end goals because of the carefully well specified objectives. No one intends to be managed by an unsure and an unserious boss with no sense of direction.
  • Effective discipline and punishment can be another way of motivating the team. Owing to the diverse nature of human beings, motivation takes on varying dimensions for different people. Some people may be motivated by coercion and punishment. A good manager must be able to devise ways of castigating and punishing indiscipline characters and should serve as an example to others. The punishments should not be too extreme and must remain fair. An example of such punishments could be a small salary decrement, etc.
  • A project manager can also use positive reinforcement to motivate his team. In this regard a project manager may reward the team for its positive attitude and exceptional performance. Rewards can take on various forms namely a gift, a bonus cheque etc. depending on what is deemed necessary and affordable within the available means. Majority of the employees would prefer a bonus cheque, but there can be other forms of rewards too.
  • A monotonic job or routine can be demotivating to the team especially when performed for a long period of time. It is important that some job restructuring is done to introduce some newer tasks or challenges and reduce on the banality of the job. As a project manager you should always look forward to introducing newer tasks for your team.
  • It can also be wise for a project manager to keep the work as enjoyable and fun as possible. In this way the spirit of the team is kept high and work is done swiftly. There are several ways this can be done, the commonest being by way of giving short entertainment breaks to your team. This relaxes their minds and nerves while preparing them for further challenges.
  • Lastly and also very important is the interpersonal relations with the team. A project manager should treat all team members fairly and equally without favor so as to keep cohesion of the group. Mistreatment and favoritism will normally break the group apart.
Considering the dynamism and diverse nature of projects and organizations today, it cannot be said that the ideas provided here are exhaustive. Some of today's projects will cut across cultures, countries, races, etc. A good project manager will always and is expected to  understand these dynamics to devise ways of keeping the project team in cohesion and performing exceptionally.

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